2022 japan international weldingshow

2024.4.24(Wed) - 4.27(Sat)
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Opening Commemorative Lecture

Keynote Speech 1

「The Role of Welding and Joining in Building a Society that Fosters Sustainable Development」

Manabu Tanaka
Executive Vice President, Osaka University

Date & Time
Wednesday, April 24, 11:00 – 12:00
International Conference Hall, INTEX Osaka
Pre-registration required, free of charge
*Simultaneous English interpretation available
150 people (will close as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached)

Welding and joining technology is a fundamental elemental technology that can contribute to all the issues facing the earth today.For example, it can contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality from various angles.As a direct example, welding plays an important role in each stage of hydrogen utilization: hydrogen production, hydrogen transportation, and hydrogen use.On the other hand, it is very important to improve efficiency, or energy conservation when using hydrogen, and we are designing a completely new concept for that as well.Welding technology is the basis for this, and welding and joining play an important role in building a society that fosters sustainable development.The trends in welding and joining for safe, secure, and resilient manufacturing will be explained.

Keynote Speech 2

「 If it’s not fun, it’s not work! ~An Insane Management Approach to Change Companies and People~」

Shosaku Yamamoto
Advisor, HILLTOP Corporation

Date & Time
Wednesday, April 24, 13:00 – 14:00
International Conference Hall, INTEX Osaka
Pre-registration required, free of charge
*Simultaneous English interpretation available
150 people (will close as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached)

After graduating from university, he received a job offer from a trading company, but at his mothers insistence, he joined the family business (an ironworks with 5 employees).He established the “HILLTOP System”, a production system for variable types and quantities, and realized a 24-hour unmanned production system.With his unique “long tail business model”, he has built a business relationship with more than 2,000 companies.He is also the author of the book “Disney and NASA Approved: The Ironworks for Fun”.On the day of the event, he will passionately talk about the success story of HILLTOP, which is called Dream Factory by its employees.

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