2022 japan international weldingshow

2024.4.24(Wed) - 4.27(Sat)
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JIWS2024 to be Largest in Osaka with Over 300 Exhibitors

Human Resource Development and Metal AM to be Key Themes at INTEX Osaka, April 24-27, 2024

JIWS2024 organized by the Japan Welding Engineering Society and Sanpo Publications, Inc. will be held at INTEX Osaka in Suminoe Ward, Osaka City, for four days from April 24 to 27, 2024. The number of exhibitors will be approximately 300 companies and organizations, surpassing the number of exhibitors at the previous show in 2020, which was canceled just before the show due to the Corona disaster, and making it the largest ever held in Osaka. At a briefing at the Tokyo venue, Yutaka Kukita, president of Sanpo Publications, Inc, said, “We want to make this an opportunity for further development of the welding industry by communicating the importance and attractiveness of welding. He also expressed his strong enthusiasm, saying, “The large number of new exhibitors is a unique feature of the JIWS, and we hope it will help revitalize the welding industry. In addition to an event themed on the development of the next generation of human resources and a new axis of exhibits under the theme of metal AM, JIWS will be the largest event of its kind in the welding industry in Japan, integrating exhibitions, demonstrations, and seminars, including cooperative projects with companies, universities, and research institutions, taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the Osaka event.